Fabric, Leather & Wood Furniture
A common misconception in the restoration industry is that smoke odor cannot be removed from leather and upholstered furniture or that leather furniture cannot be restored once it gets wet. SCS has had GREAT success in cleaning and deodorizing fabric and leather upholstered furniture in BOTH of these situations accomplishing miraculous results ! Much of this is attributed to the owner’s many years of experience in the dry cleaning business dealing with all types of fabric/leather as well as the deodorization techniques used to abate the smoke odor. The results are amazing!

Wood Furniture
When an object is cleaned and restored, it is returned to its original or usable and functional pre-loss condition. With wood furniture this may include finish restoration using a furniture re-finishing process. Restoration may include repairs for burn marks, cracks, splits, loose and damaged veneers, loose joints, damaged drawer slides, and other repairs that may result from fire, smoke, and water damage. In addition, when necessary, marble tabletops are buffed to restore sheen. SCS is extremely successful in restoring items to their pre-loss condition.